Letter No. 2: Crush

[This post is part of my Life List #58 and the 30 Letters in 30 Days Challenge.]

Dear Crush,

So I obviously have a crush on you and I’m pretty sure that it’s no surprise.

I’ve got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and nighttime, hear me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with such emotion
Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I’ve got a crush, my baby, on you

I think I kinda know that secretly, you do too?


Letter No. 1: Best Friend

[This post is part of my Life List #58 and the 30 Letters in 30 Days Challenge.]


Dear Bestfriend,

It’s been a decade now. Gosh I can’t believe we’ve known each other that long. We’ve obviously had some insane times together {both good and bad}, and will continue to have more. I think I always knew you’d be in my life forever, just didn’t think it would be as my bestie.

There are times I get so mad at you and think “what is wrong with this guy” exclamation mark. Sometimes you say things and I’m like “wow” dot, dot, dot. LOL!

There are also times when I marvel at just how much you care for me and how much fun we always have together and how you’ve gone out of your way many times to just make me laugh. {FYI I’m not endorsing or implying that you should really pursue that stand-up career you’re planning}.

I have to be honest, there are times when I wished you were a girl, you know, just in case I need a maid of honor at my wedding one day but then I figured you always have a way of winging things and making it work {so that dress would probably look nice on you anyway}.

We joke around a lot and all but the fact is I’m so lucky to have you as a friend and blessed to have you as a bestie. I know that although you’re sometimes a nut, I love you so much and can’t wait to go through the next 10 years with you. The only thing I ask is please get baby soon man, I really want to become an auntie soon!


PS: Remember, I KNOW you 😀

This post is part of my Life List #58 and the 30 Letters in 30 Days Challenge.